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Meeting with heads of IBET and ITQB 20-21 April

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20th April, Nathalie Vachiéry, microbiologist researcher from CIRAD Guadeloupe, participated to a meeting with the head of IBET, Paula Alves and Patricia Alves (researcher of GMP unit and IBETunit research). They discussed about several topics like the building of GenIBET start up, the Intellectual property rights constrains and also the collaboration between CIRAD and IBET after the end of EPIGENESIS project, two domains were mainly discussed:

  •     vaccinology with possible up-scaling of production of vaccines;
  •     proteomics studies with the UniMS unit but also associated to the Portuguese network in Mass Spectrometry

Nathalie Vachiery and Valerie Pinarello, have also visited the facilities of IBET particularly the GMP unit, at the same time, Paula explained the activities associated with the UniMS unit of IBET/ITQB.

The last day, 21th April, the head of ITQB, Dr Claudio Soares presented the variety of institute’s activities: microbiology associated with human health, plant health, biology and biochemistry. An agreement has been also discussed to sustain partnership between CIRAD and ITQB.


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Page | by Dr. Radut