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Pathobiome congress, Paris

The Pathobiome Conference dedicated to "pathogens in microbiotas in hosts", was organized in Paris, at the French national veterinary School of Maisons Alfort (ENVA).

Participation in this congress was of particular interest given the activities carried out within the EPIGENESIS project. Cutting edge presentations were made, revisiting the concept of “one pathogen – one disease”. It is now clear that the microbial environment is influencing the incidence of pathogen infection on the hosts. This is particularly important for vectorial diseases since the microbiotas may play a role in competence (transmission of pathogens) and disease evolution (co-infections). In addition, important information and contacts were achieved to increase our expertise and capacities on bioinformatics for operating the high throughput sequencing platform acquired whithin the framework of the EPIGENESIS project: thus, bioinformatics pipelines developed by other groups (including CIRAD-Montpellier groups) will be implemented on the CIRAD Duclos server in collaboration with the bioinformatics persons of company supplyer of our equipment.

The scientific outcomes definitely will be used to help the research team to define a strategy to implement bio-informatics tools to be used with the sequencing platform acquired in Guadeloupe throught the epigenesis project.

More information:


Wednesday, 24 June, 2015 - 08:30 to Friday, 26 June, 2015 - 18:00

Meetings for preparation of the joint ESVV/Epizone Congress

Three meetings were organized in Montpellier for the preparation of the joint Congresses to be organized week of 31st August 2015: 

  • the Xth International Congress of the European Society of Veterinary Virology (ESVV)
  • the 9th Annual meeting of the EPIZONE, the Network of Excellence for Epizootic Diseases Diagnostic and Control

More specifically, the meeting intended to organize: abstract management and preparation of the conference proceedings; review conference facilities and work out final logistical details; finalize the organization of the congress; adapt the workplan for the last 2 months revising all tasks and responsibilities assisgned to each person from CIRAD involved in the organizing committe; and to prepare the Epigenesis parallel session which will be dedicated to Animal Health in the Caribbean.

Other related articles

Monday, 29 June, 2015 - 12:45 to Thursday, 9 July, 2015 - 12:00

9th Summer School “Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnology and Medicine”

This Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnology and Medicine (MSBM) Summer School aimed at teaching and discussing current best practices and knowledge in Mass Spectrometry  (MS) to  advanced  graduate  students,  post-docs  and  scientists  in  the  area  of biochemistry, biology, molecular biology, biotechnology and medicine. The program was packed with a mixture of cutting-edge research and emerging topics and it also included didactic lectures.

It was organized in Dubrovnick, Croatia. The scientific presentation included several topics such as Electrochemical and Microfluidic Aspects of Ionization Methods (Hubert Girault), Introduction to Glycomics (Jasna Peter-Katalinic), Top-down proteomics and infectious diseases (Julia Chamot-Rooke), Native Mass Spectrometry: History and How (Joseph Loo) and The Basics and Applications of Imaging Mass Spectrometry (Ron Heeren).

The following didactic lectures were presented:

    •  Introduction to biological molecules - structure/function review of: lipids, glycol-lipids, carbohydrates, peptides/proteins, DNA/RNA

    •  Fundamentals of mass spectra: base peak, resolution calculations, ppm calculations etc.

    •  Ionization fundamentals (MALDI and ESI)

    •  Mass analyzers: quads, traps, TOF, ICR, combos

    •  Separation strategies: LC, CE, HILIC, fractionation (e.g. SDS-PAGE and TLC)

    •  Fragmentation mechanisms: high and low energy CID, ECD/ETD, IRMPD

    •  Interpretation of peptide tandem mass spectra including basics of database search

    •  Quantitative analysis - relative and absolute

The course was attended by approx. 55 persons from different instritutions and countries over Europe. To promote the interactions between participants and lecturers/organizers, a poster session was organized and a series of exercises were given to the participants in order for us to solve them during the course.

Dr. Isabel Marcelino, microbiologist specialized in proteomics and recruited on the Epigenesis project participated in the MSBM summer school to know what is currently being done in the field of MS but most importantly to discuss with top scientists on this domains to deepen knowledge on some techniques, applications and evolution of those techniques in several domains. She also presented a poster "Developing new methods for PTM mapping of Ehrlichi ruminantium proteins".

More information on this summer school, access presentations: visit the MSBM website

Monday, 6 July, 2015 - 09:00 to Saturday, 11 July, 2015 - 18:00

10th International Congress on Veterinary Virology (ESVV), Montpellier, France

The Xth International Congress of Veterinary Virology (ESVV) will be held in Montpellier, France in the Congress Center “Le Corum”, located at the border between the old and new city. The ESVV2015 Conference will include a joint meeting with the 9th Annual Meeting of EPIZONE, the Network of Excellence for Epizootic disease diagnostic and control. The conference is organized by CIRAD.

Scientific topics covered at this edition will include enzootic, emerging and zoonotic viruses, evolution and genomics, diagnosis, viral immunology, vaccines, antivirals, epidemiology and risk assessment and modeling. The Conference will emphase on multidisciplinary approaches which are developped in research on virology. 9 worlwide recognized key note speakers are invited to participate and debate on the mains topics listed as well as on structural virology, virus evolution, cutting edge diagnosis, emerging viruses.

The scientific programme includes 111 oral presentations (61 is the SEVV Conference, 41 for Epizone and 9 for the Epigenesis Session), 157 posters. More than 380 participants of 49 countries are expected.

The EU/FP/Regpot Epigeensis project is one of the main sponsor of the conference. An Epigenesis parallel session on "Animal Health in the Caribbean" will be organized on the third day of the conference.

More information the programme

Download detailed programme of oral presentations here

Monday, 31 August, 2015 - 12:45 to Thursday, 3 September, 2015 - 18:00

Epigenesis Parallel Session "Animal Health in the Caribbean", ESVV Conference

A special Session dedicated to Animal Health in the Caribbean will be organized during the ESVV Conference in Montpellier. The session will be chaired by the Epigenesis Project coordinator and head of the Carribean Centre of Research and surveillance for animal and zoonotic infectious diseases (CIRAD, Guadeloupe) and Dr. Cedric Lazarus, Livestock Development officer (FAO, Barbados).

Several Key note speakers from the Caribbean and members of the Caribbean Animal Health network (CaribVET) will present on various topics: orbiviruses, Classical Swine Fever, Swine Influenza, Porcine Encephalomyelitis Techovirus, Rabies, West Nile virus, Avian Influenza and other avian diseases and porcine respiratory diseases of poultry.

More information on the programme of the Epigenesis Parallel session

Presentations and abstracts will be made available on the Epigenesis website after the conference (Conference section).


Wednesday, 2 September, 2015 - 15:00 to 18:30


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by Dr. Radut